Hold Me Still

Do not be terrified or afraid of them.
Be strong & courageous.
The LORD your God goes with me.
He will never leave or forsake me.

Do not be terrified or afraid of the negative voices in your own mind.
Way to go, Julia.
You couldn’t have looked earlier?
Now it’s lost somewhere.
It’s almost a month now.

You fail.
Nice going

Be strong & believe.
You may have made a mistake.
You are NOT one.

Your Father delights in you.
Your smile.
Your laugh.
Your blue eyes.
Your ache to give.

Let Him give to you.
He knows you’re tired.
He knows you’re overthinking.
He knows you’re feeling a wasted space.

He knows you think you are wasting time.

Listen to crickets sing outside.
A day’s rest gained their joying song.

Fall back to His blanketing arms.
You are safely nestled in the strength of His love.

You are not forgotten.
Nor forsaken dreams
keeping you wide eyed
with worry.

Rest in your sickness.
Your own power will not bring
about health.


Quiet yourself in this waiting.

5 thoughts on “Hold Me Still

  1. First of all, do Not listen to the Liar. And 2nd, remember that our “standing” with God is Eternal–never changes; our “state” is transient, changes with mood and circumstance. Never measure your standing by your current state. God bless you.

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