Stepping Out Of My Comfort Zone

So, yesterday I was going to write about the two lessons I learned from my internship.

God had other plans.

I was sitting there on the floor (much like I am right now), with maybe a sentence, when my vibrated, letting me know I had a new email. Normally, this would just distract me to the point I’d generally give up on writing a post, but this was important.

This post from The River Walk caught my eye. It takes my breath away with how on time God is.

It was about when God confirms our calling.

Since I was about 15 or so, I’ve absolutely loved writing poetry. The way it tells a story about a person, place, emotion, etc. I’ve always that out of reading or music, that is where I’m most vulnerable. Where I expose every scar, heartache, joy (I’m working on more of those..) to myself and more importantly, God.

It wasn’t until I met a now dear friend (who is studying abroad in France!), nudged me in her very scatterbrained, yet quietly persistent way, that I did in fact have a God-given talent for poetry, and helped me to embrace it fully.

I’ll never forget the time she told me I should perform a piece at a talent show Chi Alpha (ministry, not fraternity.) was having one night.

She never pushed me when I told her I was afraid. Good thing too because I know I would have done it for her and not God. And if I’m being completely honest, I probably would have hyperventilated and started crying.

But, that is one of the things I love most about my dear friend. She is patient with me. Not all the time. But in walking this road to one day meet our Savior, she has shown me how we are to love like Jesus.

I know I just got off topic a bit, but there’s a reason for it. Through my friend, I first came to see how Jesus accepts us: as is. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Yesterday, after reading The River Walk’s blog post, I prayed to Him that I would be able to finish that post I mentioned earlier.

As soon as I went to type some more, I felt a small knock on my heart: Julia, stop typing. Your dearest friend would like to hear from you.

I stopped and began recording a piece I had posted here. Other than my dear friend (who taught me prayer), The River Walk’s post really helped me see poetry is my calling.

I’m really nervous about putting this on here. I’m not fond of my voice. It’s really quiet, almost like a hush. I feel God is asking me to take this leap and I’m going to trust Him.