Come Look Into The Mirror

Late in September, I talked about my termination from an internship I wasn’t meant for. For this post, I want to talk about the first lesson I learned.

You cannot write about something you don’t fully believe in.

I have never really been a fashion person. Styles. Trends. Vogue. Prada. I just don’t get it. (I do have a slight love for purses that are like backpacks if that means anything…)

Right now, I’m wearing a hoodie, leggings and a pair of Sketchers from the thrift store. Everything is a name brand, yes, but it’s not the latest “fad”.

These leggings I was helping to sell, claimed to be more than just fashionable, they also promoted losing weight.

That should have been the biggest turn off. Truth? I’ve always wanted to be skinny. I always have been skinny since birth. (I was called “long-legged lummox” in elementary school. Thank you, Mrs. B. Promise it hasn’t really scarred me!)

I understand people have a desire to keep their figure. What I don’t understand is how it gets twisted into: if I’m fashionable and skinny, I will be loved. I will be beautiful. I will be confident.

I can tell you all about how easy it is to hide beneath hoodies and not let people see you. Not see the light in your eyes when the sun wakes you with the dawn. Not hear the laughter you try so hard to hide because the people around you are fully clothed in negativity and you assume everyone else is like that, too.

The entire time I had that internship, I had this thought constantly set on my tongue: how is this going to help people embrace how God created them?

Because even though, I wasn’t talking about myself, I was talking about these clients who had taken on this challenge. To better themselves. To change.

The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness.”
(Jeremiah 31:3, NIV)

Compared to what the world sees: smaller is better, I just knew that I couldn’t endorse these leggings.

He has drawn us with loving-kindness. We don’t have to try to make ourselves with that statement through clothes.

A jacket and leggings can comfort you only so long.

Your beauty, love, and confidence comes from above. From He who first drew you into being and called you His own

We don’t have to fathom it because we never will.

We just have to believe beyond the clothes and name brands is the image of God, and he is most pleased with us in our most naked state.

Let your soul rest on this as you sleep tonight: You are altogether beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you. (Song of Solomon 4:7)

Let us look in the mirror and declare it.
